The giant statue of Jesus that overlooks Rio de Janeiro, Brazil was
struck by lightning during a storm on Sunday. What does it mean? Our more superstitious Christian brothers and sisters the world over speculate it is an omen. They're trying to discern hidden meanings. They suspect a deeper reality is at work here.
Me? I suspect that this means the steel-reinforced concrete statue is . . . really, really tall.
This makes me think of caddyshack when the priest has the best round of golf ever in a thunderstorm.
Lightning hits the statue. Lightning has also struck the antenna outside my building in the past too...
So I'm starting to think there's a connection between Jesus and Channel 6.
Coincidence? I don't think so...
As a person who has been hit by lightning 3 times, I feel qualified to state how "tall" something is has nothing to do with it. LIGHTNING HIT WHAT LIGHTNING WANT!!!!
I feel qualified to state ow "tall" something is has nothing to do with it.
Sorry... The higher an object, the more likely it is to be struck. Lightning prefers the path of least resistance. And the further into the charge an object is, the more likely it is to be struck.
I'm not saying that lightning ALWAYS chooses the highest object, but it is one of the largest deteminers.
Our TV tower has been hit countless times. I don't know that anything else around this neighborhood has ever had a strike.
I have no doubt that the Jesus statue gets hit MANY MANY times...
Well, I think it reinforces that the message Jesus preached during his time on Earth was a real shocker!
Wakka Wakka, I'm here all week. You guys have been great, try the shrimp!
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