Back Home Again in Indiana . . .
Mrs. Frankly and I laid our heads down on our very own pillows at 3:30 AM Sunday morning following a 24-hour marathon trip from St. Louis du Nord, Haiti. We left the mission compound exactly 24 1/2 hours earlier. In between, we rode a bus, six airplanes, a train, a van and a car to get home. The mission trip was amazing. The people in Haiti are in such need, and the folks at Northwest Haiti Christian Mission are making such a big difference. I'm putting together a blog for the folks from our trip to share their pictures and stories. It will be located at Check back often to see the latest.
Hey Frank and Tracy! Wow, was that some trip to Haiti, or what? We, too, were up over 24 hours (coming home), as the snow storm in the NE that preceeded us, fouled up our flights. Gary and I got home around 11AM Sunday AM, the rest of our Myrtle Beach group got home a little earlier. We all got home safely, praise God. Gary and I have been sick since we got back and we are praising God that we are sick here with Puffs, Charmin and clean trashcans and toilets to "fill". You and many others were not as blessed with your illnesses there. What troopers you all were. You did such a great job with worship, devos and just being available for spiritual support. Your work cleaning and preparing instruments for the OR was amazing. For you to humble yourself and "clean up" some pretty gross stuff is not something everyone would do. Tracy was pretty much everywhere doing everything. She was loving on kids and working down with the medical stuff too. You are both inspirations and great examples of Christian generosity. Your entire Butler crowd was a great bunch of folks! I didn't realize they were all part of your group for a few days. I had misunderstood and thought YOUR church was Weller Church of Christ, and can I tell you, I thought that was pretty odd. Gary corrected me (when I was verbalizing my judgement about Frank naming a church after himself)and told me that Butler was your church, not a separate one. Sorry, my friend, forgive me.
Isn't that funny that I thought(only for like a day)your church was named for you??? What was I thinking? Favorite things: flawless, ebony skin and straight white teeth on the Haitians, sincere and absolute trust they had for us "blancs", children with wide open arms and big smiles, Gran Moun (older folks) who loved to do the conga with us to "Hot, Hot, Hot", taking big tumors and messed up uteri and ovaries out of thin, fit women to improve their quality of life, Jesus proclaimed daily among everyone, white and Haitian, your offer to call AAA when our bus broke down, the look on your face when you realized you weren't on a cruise after all, and there are so many more. Gary will send a DVD when it's complete. I don't do the blog thing, can I email some pix to you and you can post them? Lots of love to you and Tracy...hope we see you again soon in Haiti!!
Laura . . .you are too kind. Getting to know you and Gary are two highlights for me. God used you in amazing ways, and not just to bless the Haitians, but all of us too! Belssings2U!!!
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