I suppose I could watch hockey. I’ve tried, really I have. As a hockey nut, my buddy Fred avoids this "seasonal slump." So freakish is his devotion that his picture was in The Detroit News kissing the

This year, we have the Winter Olympics. I could get into that, especially if they brought back Tonya

All of this means that I am stuck between seasons, living life in the dull alphabet-soup sports world between the NFL and MLB.
It’s not just sports that are affected by the doldrums. Spiritually speaking, I’ve been there, too. The doldrums are what ancient mariners named the sea near the equator where the winds are calm and the heat stifling. Spiritually, the doldrums are "a spell of listlessness or despondency, a state of inactivity, stagnation, or slump." And, as I’ve said, I’ve been there. I’m betting you’ve been, too.
Your schedule gets crazy, and you miss your daily "connecting time" with God. Just a day here and there at first, then two days in a row, then three, then a week. Welcome to the doldrums. You make a habit of staying out late on Saturday night and arrive at church exhausted - so exhausted that you just go through the motions. No fresh wind. No fresh fire. Spiritually dead.
Have you been there? Are you there now?
When the old salts of the 18th and 19th century encountered the doldrums, they let down their rowboats and, with long ropes, towed their limp-sailed ships across the placid water in search of a breeze. It was work, but eventually, their sails billowed once more. When you and I are spiritually trapped in a silent, deadly calm, what can we do? We can return to the disciplines that previously made our sails swell - prayer, Bible reading, meditation, worship.
And then we wait.
For just as certainly as the return of pitchers and catchers to training camp heralds the coming of Major League Baseball and spring, fresh spiritual vitality awaits all who are disciplined enough to pursue it.
To get a better feel for NASCAR, maybe you should pick the hottest day in the summer, roll up your windows, turn your heater on full blast and driver around Indianapolis on I465 for 3 hours in bumper to bumper traffic. And that's just going 1/3 the speed of a Cup car. Not only is it tough to keep your concentration, you lose a lot of weight plus there is the danger of accidents.
Sorry, Frank, I don't mean to sound mean....I'm just a NASCAR fan and you hit a nerve the way you mentioned NASCAR.
Take care....and keep the columns coming. I read them on a regular basis.
Bruce S.
Kokomo, IN
Wow Bruce, I think I'll try that! I like NASCAR, too, although I'm sure I am nowhere near the fan that you are. My dad loves it. He is a diehard Bill Elliot fan. From time to time he has called me up on Sunday afternoon screaming into the phone, "They're ringing the bell in Dawsonville!"
Thanks for reading. God bless!
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