Benson spoke on "The abc of Success and Excellence." Here they are:
A - Avoid habits that lead to failure.Benson also asked a thoughtful question: "Is 'average' the best of the worst, or the worst of the best? - Do you really want to live in that area of mediocrity?"
B - Believe in yourself.
C - Champions. "Champions focus on what they're going to, losers focus on what they're going through."
D - Desire, Determination, Dedication, and Discipline. "Successful people do the things that unsucessful people don't or won't do."
E - Excellence.
F - Family and Friends.
G - Give more than you plan to give.
H - Hang on to your dreams.
I - Identify the obstacles that are keeping you from meeting your goals and dreams.
J - Just do it!
K - Keep on keeping on.
L - Live, learn & love yourself first, after God.
M - Make it happen. Magnificent obsession.
N - Never lie cheat or steal.
O - Open your eyes and see things as they really are.
P - Perfect practice makes perfect.
Q - Quitters never win, and winners never quit.
R - Read study and learn about whatever is important in your life.
S - Stop procrastinating. "When we procrastinate, we delay our own success."
T - Take control of yourself and your destiny.
U- Understand yourself.
V - Visualize it - see it, believe it, achieve it.
W - Want it more than anything.
X - Examine yourself and your motives.
Y - You are uniquely made by God.
Z - Zero in on your target.
1 comment:
looking good frankie
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