Monday, March 17, 2008

Praying for Pat . . .

Someone asked to pray for Pat Bisher yesterday at church. A member of our church, Pat is a sailor who is training to become a Navy Seal. Join in praying for Pat. And, in his honor, here is the first verse of the the Navy Hymn, Eternal Father Strong to Save.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this. Julie and I appreciate everyone's past and continued prayer for Patrick.
I would urge all of the people at SLCC to keep all of our military families and friends in the military in prayer:
Nathan Cohoon
Matt Couling
Rolando Garza
Jerry Hernandez
Tyler Willet

Patrick has done extremely well over the past two years with outstanding performance in Basic Training at Great Lakes Naval Base in Chicago and during the first three phases of SEAL training at Coronado Naval Base in San Diego. Despite a dislocated shoulder suffered in Basic training and a torn rotator cuff through two SEAL phases and two surgeries, one of which he is currently recovering, Patrick will continued to finish out his paratroop training within the next couple of months and then on to survival training.
Thanks again to all of you who pray regularly for our men and women in uniform. Remember, freedom is not free, it requires a price. God demonstrated that in freeing us from sin with the price of His own Son.
Serving in His Grace,
Rod and Julie Bisher.

Anonymous said...

Rod & Julie,
We are so proud of Patrick. We've seen him grow up to be a special young man. We are praying for him and love to hear your reports from him.