Friday, January 16, 2009

Walkin' in a *%@#^$ Winter Wonderland

My friend, "Johnny on the Scott" recently announced that he is moving to Inverness, Florida to become the Senior Minister at First Christian Church there. In my email reply I told him, "I hate the cold. Therefore, I hate you. Congratulations on the new ministry. Love, Frank." [Note to the humor Nazis commenting on the previous post: John knows I was just kidding.]

Seriously though. Winter in Michigan has been tough so far. Our maintenance supervisor, Chris, knocked this mammoth icicle off the building yesterday and laid it on the floor of my office.

I thought about firing him. In fact, I might have actually told him he was fired. [He knew I was kidding, too . . . I think.]

The best thing about winter is that it kills the bugs and sets us up for a glorious Spring. In Florida, John will view Spring as a harbinger of the hot and humid days that lie around the corner. Me, I view Spring as a time for life to renew. A season filled with mushroom hunting, catchers and pitchers reporting, daffodils and tulips, and the dog rolling around in the grass, grateful to be released from her long winter hibernation.

Okay, I guess I can live with winter - not that I have any choice.


James Pahl said...

I think God said it best to Job...

"Gird your loins like a man!"

I'm wondering how you are going to hold up when it really starts snowing.

(Oh and just in case, let the record show I am just joking around here. The next comment will be sincere)

Best icicle I've ever seen though.

Unknown said...

Michigan winters are yucky! I remember our forst year here when I was outside with Eirc waiting for the bus to take him to kindergarten and there was 8 inches of snow! I said to the neighbor, "why are we out here, there will not be any school today!" She laughed really loud and said, "Honey, you aint in Indiana anymore!" That will be forever engrained in my memory!! Enjoy the cold! There is not much else we can do with it!!

Anonymous said...

What kind of Wonderland? ;)

John A. Scott said...

Frankly Frank, when I am trying to calm down my wife and children during hurricane season, James and you will be saying to me "Gird your loins like a man." They are already being tormented by friendly hoosiers warning us of the storms. Like the signs along the highway telling everyone this is an excape route in case of a hurricane, is not enough; or the gaters, snakes, lizards and the mecca of insane drivers. And while we are waiting to go to the Sunshine state, we get winter x 20 this year.
Isn't it great that we serve the Lord God Almighty and not the weather or our personal likes and dislikes? God is good and when he let's us know it is time to serve Him in a different location we are willing to say "send me."
I know you know what I am writing about, because you went through that when you went to Butler and South Lansing. God has blessed us both beyond our own abilities, and we are humbled that He cares enough about us to allow us to be used for His glory.